Finance Team:  This team will meet monthly to discern together the use of the finances (The General Operating Account), for safe deposit and recording of the funds, monthly remissions of offerings for missions, the prompt payment of salaries and bills as authorized by the congregation, and submit a monthly accounting to the Congregation Council with recommendations.  This team will prepare and submit an annual budget, review the budget and recommend to the Congregation Council necessary improvements or revisions.


Special Fund Team:  This team will meet at least quarterly to be the custodian of the Mission Endowment Fund, together with the Abiding Memorial Fund.  This team is appointed by the Congregation Council.  Members of this team are to be the custodian of these funds so that the distribution is deemed as necessary to accomplish the goals of the church’s vision, for example: Outreach into the community; development and implementation of ministry to make Christ known in our community and elsewhere, making the mission and ministry of the congregation, its services and programs known to the community.


Property/Facilities Team This team will meet at least once per month.  These members are responsible for the major repairs of the facilities, replacement of the congregation’s buildings and equipment, and responsible for making annual inspection of church properties and equipment for the purpose of safety and budget preparation.


Worship and Music:  This team meets once every month.  The members will plan and coordinate all congregation worship events, set policies for the use of the sanctuary – weddings, funerals, etc…, and set guidelines for the approval of all forms of worship, including liturgies and music, seeing that all styles are within Lutheran theology.


Altar Guild: This team will meet at a minimum of quarterly.  Members are responsible for the proper care, use, and maintenance of the communion ware, the altar and its furnishings, and vestments; provide adequate supply of expendable worship items.


Adult Faith Formation:  This team will meet at a minimum monthly.  These members will have a special concern for the spiritual, emotional, and physical wellbeing of individual adult members of this congregation.  This team will provide multiple and varied opportunities for growth spiritually, emotionally, in physical well-being, and encourage active participation of every adult in Bible study, daily devotions, and worship.


Children, Youth, and Family This team will meet at a minimum of monthly.  These members will have a special concern for the spiritual welfare of all youth of the congregation with a focus on deepening their relationship with Jesus Christ. 


Social Aid:  This team will meet once a month to encourage the congregation to extend Christian compassion and provide serve to the community of this church and our community in the name of Jesus Christ.  These members will actively seek opportunities where relationships can be built while we serve.


The Grateful Response Team This team will meet monthly to creatively find ways to promote the Biblical principles of total stewardship, evoking the expression of Christian faith in daily living though teaching the Christian use of, time, talents/spiritual gifts, treasures, and being caretakers of God’s creation.  Team members will be responsible for the annual stewardship campaign, encouraging members to higher levels of first fruits proportionate giving, in response to what God has first given us.


FellowshipThis team will meet at a minimum of once per month.  Its members will strive to strengthen and build mutual cooperation, trust and relationship among all members of the congregation by offering varied fellowship opportunities throughout the year; recognize and welcome new members as needed.


Outreach and Community Engagement:  This team will meet at a minimum of once per month.  Its members are to look for opportunities where relationships can be built in our community, look for ways to engage in community programs and festivals, and provide outreach opportunities within the congregation; for example, “Feed My Sheep Pantry.”


WELCA (Women of the ELCA):  This team will meet monthly.  Women come together to actively seek ways to engage in the community, work with other Lutheran Churches, and deepen the relationships among all women within the congregation, our community, and Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.


The Cemetery Team: This team will meet a minimum, of quarterly.  Its members are charged with the care of the cemetery and funds allocated to the maintenance and perpetual care of the cemetery.


Forks Church Choir:  The Forks Church Choir meet every Wednesday evening to practice for the upcoming Sunday and future events.  Please see Glenna Stitt if you would like to be a part of this amazing ministry.




Located at 253 Forks Church Road, in the basement of Forks-Zion Lutheran Church

253 Forks Church Road, Leechburg, PA  15656



Helping those in need with goods and items that the local food bank may not provide.


Pantry team will meet on Tue., Jan 7 @ 5 pm

to pack bags.




January 12, 2025

12:30pm - 2:00pm



Sunday, Jan 12

Sunday, Feb 9

Sunday, March 9

Sunday, April 13

Pantry OPEN times during winter months are



Please contact us for more information,

if you have a need,

or would like to donate.







SW PA Synod
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© Forks Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church